The Watch, inspired by Terry Pratchett, written by Simon Allen, produced by Richard Stokes and Johann Knobel for BBC Studios and BBC America. I directed the last three episodes: The Dark in the Dark, Nowhere in the Multiverse and the finale, Better to Light a Candle.
"A colourful energetic treat"
Los Angeles Times
" a phantasmagorically trippy, casually funny ride through tons of fantastical tropes with glee and lack of abandon that will probably be 900 times more entertaining than the series finale of GoT."
"The Watch is a funny, exciting, heartfelt fantasy action-comedy that features plenty of mystery, lots of laughs, and a fantastic cast."
“La mise en scène d’Emma Sullivan est très bonne. Elle jongle parfaitement avec les deux mondes et les différents personnages. On prend beaucoup de plaisir à voir évoluer les mêmes comédiens dans des rôles parfois complètement différents qu’ils s’approprient impeccablement. L’humour est très présent, et certaines séquences sont vraiment agréables visuellement. On ne s’ennuie jamais et les passages décalés ont une certaine finesse.”
“Emma Sullivan's direction is very good. She perfectly juggles the two worlds and different characters. We take great pleasure in seeing the same actors perform in sometimes completely different roles that they execute perfectly. The humor is up front, and some sequences are really visually pleasing. You never get bored and the quirky passages have a distinct finesse.’
Unification France
" delightful tale, that did a phenomenal job of making us laugh, whilst giving us plenty to chew upon. For it is rare to see a fantasy story take the time to remind us to make the best choices we can in whatever situation we’re facing, and to course correct and make the right call if we goof at first. Which really is an inspiring and hopeful message to inject into a fantasy tale and truly, it should be interesting to see what kinds of messages and commentary the season one finale of this series is going to send our way. Because clearly, this show wants to teach us something powerful with every story it tells.."
Nerds That Geek
“In the end however, it is best to declare this episode to be outright brilliant, through and through. Because this story really did manage to offer up all kinds of magnificent surprises storytelling wise since its commentary was poignant and powerful and downright inspiring for certain. Because Cheery’s journey in this tale will likely give direction to others that are struggling with their own fight in regard to finding themselves and that’s just wonderful, and it adds depth to this story as well and truly, this surprise push to add layers to this unique story is making it an essential watch. One that is undoubtedly leaving all of its fans eager and anxious to see where this story is headed next as it continues to inject new life into a classic genre that’s been long overdue for a modern makeover."
Nerds that Geek